Wise Force Deleter

Wise Force Deleter 1.47.39 hotpic

Aggiornato il: 15/06/2018 - Scaricato 2.633 volte - Licenza Freeware


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Wise Force Deleter  Wise Force Deleter 1.47.39
Wise Force Deleter è un prodotto Freeware pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:1.55 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:28/07/2015
Aggiornato il:15/06/2018

Wise Force Deleter is designed to fix all the issues above by terminating the processes using the file or removing file-access restrictions that prevent you from deleting a file.

With Wise Force Deleter, you can unlock and delete any file without frustration in Windows.

When we try to delete a file, we might see notices or errors like this:
1). Cannot delete file: Access is denied.
2). There has been a sharing violation.
3). The source or destination file may be in use.
4). The file is in use by another program or user.
5). Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Wise Force Deleter allows you to access it via a context menu. Right after installing it, a new option named “Force Delete” will appear in the context menu.

To unlock&delete a locked file, you just need to right click it, select ‘Force Delete’, Wise Force Deleter will be launched. Then you can unlock and delete the file from your Windows system immediately, which is real convenient.



Dimensione file: 1.55 MB

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