Programmer's Tool

Programmer's Tool 1.3.4 hotpic

Aggiornato il: 26/02/2017 - Scaricato 2.110 volte - Licenza Freeware


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Programmer's Tool  Programmer's Tool 1.3.4
Programmer's Tool è un prodotto Freeware pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:1.41 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Autore:Programmer's Tool
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:26/02/2017
Aggiornato il:26/02/2017

Programmer's Tool è una piccola utility che rimane nell'area di notifica (la barra delle applicazioni) del desktop di Windows. E' utile per alcuni compiti ripetitivi quando si lavora su Windows, come lancio delle applicazioni, operazioni di copia ed incolla e molto altro.

Descrizione originale del produttore:
Programmer's Tool is a utility to run common tasks using global hotkeys. It stays in the notification area (commonly referred to as the system tray) of Windows desktop.
For example, when working on Notepad, you can hit the Shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + N. If the Notepad window is already open, it is activated (brought to the front).
If it is not open, you are prompted to open it. You can use different shortcuts to Activate or Launch different applications in a similar fashion. The following are the complete list of features.

List of Features:
1. Shortcut keys: Set global hotkeys for various actions.
2. Quick Launch Menu: Create a custom menu (which can be opened using a global hotkey).
3. Notifications: Display a Tray notification message at a given date and time.

1. Shortcut keysYou can set Shortcut keys for the following actions:
a. Launch Application: This can be used to launch an application using the given Shortcut key.
b. Activate or Launch Application: This can be used to activate an application if it is open or, if the application is not open, prompt the user to launch it.
c. Clipboard



Dimensione file: 1.41 MB

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