Windows Hard Disk Recovery

Windows Hard Disk Recovery 1.0 hotpic

Aggiornato il: 15/09/2017 - Scaricato 2.223 volte - Licenza Shareware external


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Windows Hard Disk Recovery  Windows Hard Disk Recovery 1.0
Windows Hard Disk Recovery è un prodotto Shareware external pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:2.79 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Licenza:Shareware external
Autore:Windows Hard Disk Recovery
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:15/09/2017
Aggiornato il:15/09/2017

Windows Hard Disk Recovery è un software di ripristino del disco rigido di Windows.

Nei casi in cui il computer ha problemi hardware o software che impediscono l'accesso a Windows, questo software ci aiuta a ripristinare e salvare i dati in esso contenuti.

Windows Hard Disk Recovery Non solo indicherà come recuperare i file dati di Windows, ma anche salvare in un database sano.

Indipendentemente dal tipo di problema, Windows Hard Disk Recovery analizza forzatamente ogni problema per trovare la soluzione ed aiutare gli utenti a recuperare i file persi, eliminati o danneggiati.

Descrizione del produttore:

We are from GSTECH and really concern about you, because all you windows users are our valuable customer, we never let you down.
So users, whenever you are stuck with your corrupt windows, immediately we help you by providing you best Windows Hard Disk Recovery Software.
It will not only tells how to recover windows data file but also save into healthy database.

GSTECH had gone through a long survey, after that only; we prepared a perfect method to recover data from corrupted windows.
Whatever is the reason behind your windows corruption, it works efficiently vanish every hurdle to recover windows hard disk. Sometimes it may be a cause of software issues and sometimes hardware issues.

In both cases, GSTECH Windows data recovery Program forcible technology powerfully analyse every issue to meet users with corrupted/lost/deleted data, so that users can easily obtain back long database collection which suddenly/mistakenly affected and get lost.

GSTECH had a relevant technology wrapped with awesome features such as;

*Energetic FAT & NTFS Recovery Software to Windows HDD Recovery Tool to restore data from windows fast.
*Progressive feature to do windows partition recovery
*Easily recoverable path to recover data from windows hard disk on several versions as Win10.8/Win7//Win8.1/XP/VISTA/Win Server/2003 etc.
*Recover lost data from both internal as well as external hard disk of windows.
*Extract hard disk from windows rapidly with complete database including of FAT 16, FAT 32, NTFS, and NTFS5
*Availability for satisfactory refund policy.

GSTECH Windows Hard Disk Recovery Software firstly made in the form of FREE demonstration, which let you able to view all data recovered in preview list.

For making complete saving further you need to buy it immediately at very economical price.

Yes users GSTECH Windows HDD file recovery tool FULL functional version tool can retrieve entire data files from windows, which is kept whether in FAT or NTFS partitions of HDD.




Dimensione file: 2.79 MB

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