XFTP Free 7.0 Build 0141 hotpic

Aggiornato il: 12/11/2023 - Scaricato 3.006 volte - Licenza Freeware


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XFTP Free  XFTP Free 7.0 Build 0141
XFTP Free è un prodotto Freeware pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:38.6 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Autore:NetSarang Computer
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:24/11/2014
Aggiornato il:12/11/2023

XFTP Free è un potente programma di trasferimento file FTP e SFTP per Windows. Permette di trasferire file in modo veloce e sicuri tra sistemi Unix/Linux e PC Windows.
XFTP Free è stato creato per soddisfare sia le esigenze dei principianti che le esigenze degli utenti avanzati. Adotta lo standard di Windows ed è composto da una semplice interfaccia che lo rende comodo ed utile sia da casa che da scuola, ufficio ed altro.

Le caratteristiche del programma sono:

· The synchronizing feature in Xftp supports synchronizing files and folders from and to the remote with the local folders. Once you are on the remote folder you want to sync, click the Sync button and synchronization will start painlessly.

Multiple panes:
· Xftp supports more than 2 panes and each pane can have multiple tabs. You can transfer files to multiple destinations without going through each tabs. Also, the "Send to All Remote Session" feature allows you to send files to multiple locations at once.

FXP support:
· With FXP can dramatically reduce the time to take transfer files between the remote servers. FXP eliminates the data routing to local PC transferring data directly between two remote FTP servers.

Open multiple sessions within a single window:
· The Session tab feature allows users to open multiple sessions within a single Xftp window. All open sessions are accessible via simple Session tab interface and files on different servers can be easily transferred between open sessions. It not only reduces the system resource usage but also provides more organized work environment to increase user productivity.

Use Notepad to directly edit the remote file:
· The Direct edit feature allows users to edit the remote files with Windows Notepad directly without downloading the file. Users can increase productivity by eliminating the need for downloading the file for edit and uploading it when done editing. Xftp also provides an option for users to choose their favorite editors instead of using the default Windows Notepad.

Start a terminal session with click of a button:
· Xftp can interoperate with Xshell, a secure terminal emulator by NetSarang. By clicking a Xshell button, Xftp starts a terminal session from the open connection without having to go through the authentication process again.

Increase download/upload speed:
· The Multiple Transfer feature allows making multiple connections to upload/download files faster. This feature can increase the users' productivity by allowing the maximum usage of users' bandwidth even when there is a download/upload speed limit for each network connection.

Direct Control using Transfer Window Menu:
· By using the Transfer window menu, the user can easily monitor and manage files in transfer and also manage scheduled transfers for future upload and download transfers.



Dimensione file: 38.6 MB

Alcune alternative di XFTP Free :
FTP Voyager  2.094
FileZilla Server 1.9.4Downloads:  3.327
Serv-U FTP  3.227
WinSCP 6.3.6Downloads:  3.610
FileZilla 3.66.1Downloads:  6.234
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