SYNC Commander

SYNC Commander 1.0.071223 hotpic

Aggiornato il: 07/06/2012 - Scaricato 3.183 volte - Licenza GNU/GPL external


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SYNC Commander  SYNC Commander 1.0.071223
SYNC Commander è un prodotto GNU/GPL external pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:2.92 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Licenza:GNU/GPL external
Autore:Chen Qing-can
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:07/06/2012
Aggiornato il:07/06/2012

SYNC Commander è una semplicissima applicazione ridotta al minimo dei comandi per eseguire sincronizzazioni tra cartelle contenute nel computer locale o in spazi FTP.

Le caratteristiche sono:
- Supporting folder on FTP server.
- Configurable to skip files with same timestamp.
- Configurable to delete files in the destination but not in the source.
- Both command line (php sync_cmd.php) and graphical window (sync_cmd_win.hta) interface are provided.
- Optimization for large number of files. On the servers the author managed, synchronizating between two folders, one of them is a FTP folder, and each has 750+ sub-folders, 260000+ files and 14 GB+ total data, runs without any delay.

Le limitazioni sono:
- Not supporting FTP to FTP operation.
- Only supporting FTP root path (no sub-folder) when operating from local file system to FTP server.
- Deleting redundant files is not supported when operating from local file system to FTP server.



Dimensione file: 2.92 MB

Alcune alternative di SYNC Commander :
FTP Voyager  2.094
WinSCP 6.3.6Downloads:  3.604
Alternate FTP 2.920Downloads:  3.088
FileZilla Server 1.9.4Downloads:  3.326
FileZilla 3.66.1Downloads:  6.234
XFTP Free 7.0 Build 0141Downloads:  3.006
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