Sofeh Music Studio

Sofeh Music Studio 6.8.1

Aggiornato il: 23/06/2021 - Scaricato 864 volte - Licenza Freeware


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Sofeh Music Studio  Sofeh Music Studio 6.8.1
Sofeh Music Studio è un prodotto Freeware pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:105 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Autore:Ramin Jafari
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:09/08/2013
Aggiornato il:23/06/2021

Music Studio è un potente programma che ti permette di realizzare fogli musicali per una molteplice di strumenti.

Il primo software musicale che supporta tutti gli strumenti e le melodie come pop, rock, arabo, iraniano, indiani e turco.

Le caratteristiche principali sono:
- Create and Edit Your Music
- Define Categories, Tracks and Rhythms
- Create and Edit Virtual Instruments from Real Sounds and Tune it
- Import KORG Instruments
- Combine 2 or more Instruments in Tracks and Make a New Sound
- Create and Edit Music Systems (1/4, 1/8, ...)
- Connect Your MIDI Keyboard and Play or Record in Real-time
- Virtual Keyboard (Use PC Keyboard and Mouse)
- Sing a song, Record in a Wave Track and Combine with Music
- Make Multi-Song from single Song (Duplicate Track and Change Frequency)
- Import MIDI files, Change Instruments, Edit, Add Filters and Effects and Create a New Better Music
- Export to Wave or MP3 file and Share your Music with others
- Create Stand-alone file Contain Instruments, Systems, ...
- Filters: Volume/Pan, Octave/Key/Tune, Stereo Mixer, Band Pass, Compressor,
- Dynamic Amplify, Echo, Equalizer, Flanger, Notch, Parametric Eq,
- Phaser, Pitch Scale, 3D Sound, Treble Enhancer, True Bass
- Effects: Key Repeat (like Sitar), Key Connection (like Guitar),
- Frequency Shake (like Violin), Volume/Pan Shake
- More than 70 High Quality Instruments and Drums
- Instruments: Accordion, AirBell, Aud (Arabic), Banjo, Bass, Bass Rezo, Crystal Pad, Flute, Guitar, Guitar Elec, Nay Anban (Iranian), Nay (Arabic), Nay (Iranian), Nay Vega, Oboe, Organ, Piano, Piano Elec, Pizzicato, Qanoun (Arabic), Rolbra, Saw, Sax,
- Sax Alto, Sitar (Indian), String, Tar (Iranian), Trumpet, Trumpet (Turkish), Violon, Zampona and ...
- Drum Kits: Standard, Arabic, Iranian, Noramoss and ...
- Solid Drums: Pop, Remix, Arabic, Iranian, Afghan and ...
- Intelligent Pedal




Dimensione file: 105 MB

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